
MingHuang Cheng (moyoman5 at

The third developer on this project. He has written the IgoFuseki fuseki module, and the IgoProverbs proverbs module. He lives in Tokyo, Japan.

Urban Hafner (urbanhafner at Urban has developed the DameImpl module, and is currently working on a Territory module. He lives in Munich, Germany where he is currently studying bioinformatics.

Wim-Jan Hilgenbos (wimjan at -

The developer of the SimpleBigPoint module. He lives in Amersfoort, The Netherlands, and is a 3 kyu Go player.

Jeff Thompson (jmthompson_97 at -

Jeff is the second person to contribute to this project. He has written the org.moyoman.clients.reference.Moyoman client, as well as the build scripts, and has reviewed and modified other parts of the code as well.

Jeff has been involved in a number of open source projects, including developing an applet that plays 3-D Chess and a spaceflight simulator. More details can be found at Jeffs web site.

David Weiss (moyoman1 at

The founder of the Moyoman project. David determined the requirements, designed the system, and wrote almost all of the code other than the client for the initial version 0.10 release on SourceForge.