Uses of Class

Packages that use InconsistentStateException
org.moyoman.client.reference Provides classes for a reference implementation of a Moyoman client GUI application. 
org.moyoman.comm.client Provides classes for the client to make requests and receive responses. 
org.moyoman.debug Provides classes that represent debugging information. 
org.moyoman.framework Provides classes used in the framework for executing user commands. 
org.moyoman.helper Provides classes used in creating helper classes. 
org.moyoman.module Provides classes for creating and administering modules. 

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.client.reference

Methods in org.moyoman.client.reference that throw InconsistentStateException
 void ForestUI.setForest(Forest forest)
          Set the forest data to display.
protected  void ForestUI.addChildren(Forest forest, MoveDescriptor parent, DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode)
          Add the children of the given parent to the given node.
 void GameEngineSwingWorker.undoMove()
          Undo the last move.

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.comm.client

Methods in org.moyoman.comm.client that throw InconsistentStateException
 boolean PlayerManager.takeBackMove()
          Return to an earlier state in the game.

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.debug

Methods in org.moyoman.debug that throw InconsistentStateException
 void Legend.addStone(Stone stone, int symbol)
          Associate a stone with one of the strings.
 void Legend.addStones(Stone[] st, int symbol)
          Associate stones with one of the strings.
 void Legend.addPoint(Point point, int symbol)
          Associate a point with one of the strings.
 void Legend.addPoints(Point[] pt, int symbol)
          Associate points with one of the strings.
 void Discrete.addNegativePoint(Point p)
          Add a point to the list of negative points.
 void Discrete.addNegativePoints(Point[] p)
          Add an array of points to the list of negative points.
 void Discrete.addNeutralPoint(Point p)
          Add a point to the list of neutral points.
 void Discrete.addNeutralPoints(Point[] p)
          Add an array of points to the list of neutral points.
 void Discrete.addPositivePoint(Point p)
          Add a point to the list of positive points.
 void Discrete.addPositivePoints(Point[] p)
          Add an array of points to the list of positive points.
 int Aggregate.setSubgroup(int group, Stone[] stones)
          Set the subgroup for a set of stones.
private  void Aggregate.validateIntPairUnrelated(IntPair ip)
          Verify that the two groups are not already related.
 void Aggregate.relateGroups(int group1, int group2)
          Relate two groups without any points or stones.
 void Aggregate.relateGroups(int group1, int group2, Stone[] stones)
          Relate two groups through a set of stones.
 void Aggregate.relateGroups(int group1, int group2, Point[] points)
          Relate two groups through a set of points.
 MoveDescriptor[] Forest.getSubsequentMoveDescriptors(MoveDescriptor parent)
          Get the follow up moves to the specified move.

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.framework

Methods in org.moyoman.framework that throw InconsistentStateException
 void Message.setMessage(String symbolicMessageName, String value)
          Set a new message for the given symbol.
protected static void ControllerState.startGame(GameId id)
          Start a new game.
protected static void ControllerState.startOperation(GameId id)
          Start an operation on the specified game if none are in progress.

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.helper

Methods in org.moyoman.helper that throw InconsistentStateException
private  void HelperConfig.processNodes(NodeList nl, HelperType ht, Properties props)
          This method processes the helper.xml entry for a single helper type.
private  HelperName[] HelperConfig.getHelperNamesForTypeAndMode(Element elem, HelperType ht, Properties props)
          Get the HelperType objects in order for the HelperType and mode.
protected  void HelperConfig.addHelperType(HelperType ht, ComponentType parent)
          Add helper type to the list.
 ComponentType HelperConfig.getParent(HelperType ht)
          Get the parent type of this type.
protected  void HelperConfig.associate(HelperType ht, ComponentType parent)
          Associate a helper type with a component type as its parent.
 HelperType HelperConfigTool.addHelperType(String simple, String full, ComponentType parent)
          Add a new helper type.

Uses of InconsistentStateException in org.moyoman.module

Methods in org.moyoman.module that throw InconsistentStateException
private  void ModuleConfig.processNodes(NodeList nl, ModuleType mt, Properties props)
          This method processes the module.xml entry for a single module type.
private  ModuleName[] ModuleConfig.getModuleNamesForTypeAndMode(Element elem, ModuleType mt, Properties props)
          Get the ModuleName objects in order for the module type and mode.