Package org.moyoman.util

Provides utility classes used by both the client and server.


Class Summary
BooleanResponse This class allows a boolean value and an accompanying message to be treated as one object.
Color This class represents the color of a point on the board.
GameId This class encapsulates a String that represents a game.
GameRecord This class stores a record of a game of Go.
Handicap This class represents a set of handicap stones.
IntPair This class provides an easy way of relating two integers.
Move This class represents one move, which can be placing a stone, passing, or resigning.
MoveDescriptor This class contains information about a move.
MoveDescriptorForest This class is used to represent a forest of MoveDescriptor objects.
NumberedStone This class represents a stone and the move number it was made on.
PartialStone This class is used for representing fractions of stones.
Point This class represents one point.
RatedMove This class represents a move which has been rated.
Rules This class represents the rule set to be used.
Sqrt This class is used as a fast means of getting the square roots of short values.
Stone This class represents one stone.

Exception Summary
DataAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when an attempt to add data fails because the data already exists.
IllegalKoException This exception is thrown when a user attempts to retake a ko without playing a ko threat.
IllegalMoveException This exception is thrown when an illegal move is made.
IllegalSuperKoException This exception is thrown if a full board position repeats itself, as for example if a triple ko occurs.
InconsistentStateException This exception is thrown when the representation of the game is inconsistent in some way, for example, attempting to flip the color of a point that is empty.
InternalErrorException This exception is thrown when an internal error occurs, for example, being unable to read a configuration file.
NoSuchDataException This exception is thrown when a query for data fails.
OccupiedPointException This Exception is thrown if a player attempts to place a stone on an occupied point.
PermissionsException This exception is thrown when an operation occurs that is not permitted, for example, attempting to delete a standard mode.
SuicideException This exception is thrown when a move is made which is suicide.
WrongColorException This exception is thrown if a move of the wrong color is made.

Package org.moyoman.util Description

Provides utility classes used by both the client and server. These classes do things such as represent moves or games.

David Weiss