Uses of Class

Packages that use InternalErrorException
org.moyoman.client.reference Provides classes for a reference implementation of a Moyoman client GUI application. 
org.moyoman.comm.client Provides classes for the client to make requests and receive responses. 
org.moyoman.framework Provides classes used in the framework for executing user commands. 
org.moyoman.helper Provides classes used in creating helper classes. 
org.moyoman.module Provides classes for creating and administering modules. 
org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl This implementation of a Ladder module is meant to serve two purposes. 

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.client.cli

Methods in org.moyoman.client.cli that throw InternalErrorException
protected  void CliPlayer.makeValidatedMove(MoveDescriptor md)

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.client.reference

Methods in org.moyoman.client.reference that throw InternalErrorException
 void InteractiveComputerPlayer.derivedMakeMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move.
 MoveDescriptor InteractiveComputerPlayer.derivedRequestMove()
          Get a move from the player.
 NonvalidatedPlayer MousePlayerFactory.create(Color c, Handicap h, String id)
          Create a player using the given parameters.
protected  void MousePlayer.makeValidatedMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          The derived class must override this method to make a move.
 void GameEngineSwingWorker.undoMove()
          Undo the last move.
protected  void Moyoman.startGame(PlayerManager playerManager)
          Start a new game.

Constructors in org.moyoman.client.reference that throw InternalErrorException
InteractiveComputerPlayer(IMoyoman owner, Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, CommandExecutor commandExecutor, boolean isInteractive)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.
MousePlayer(IMoyoman owner, Color c, Handicap h)
          Construct this object with the given parameters.
MousePlayer(IMoyoman owner, Color c, Handicap h, String id)

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.comm.client

Methods in org.moyoman.comm.client that throw InternalErrorException
          Play out the game.
static MoyomanPlayer MoyomanPlayerFactory.getMoyomanPlayer(Color c, Handicap h, Mode mode)
          Create the MoyomanPlayer object.
protected static MoyomanPlayer MoyomanPlayerFactory.getMoyomanPlayer(Color color, Handicap handicap, GameId gameId)
          Create the MoyomanPlayer object to play a game that was previously saved.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.deleteSavedGame(String name)
          Delete a game from permanent storage on the server.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.deleteActiveGame(String name)
          Delete a temporary game on the server.
 Debug[] DirectCommandExecutor.getDebuggingInfo(String id, String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get debugging information about a module from the server.
 GameRecord DirectCommandExecutor.getGameRecord(String id)
          Get a game record from the server.
 Stone DirectCommandExecutor.getLastMoveKo(String id)
 Stone[] DirectCommandExecutor.getSuicideMoves(String id)
 Stone[] DirectCommandExecutor.getSuperKoMoves(String id)
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.getSuggestedMove(String id)
          Get the suggested move from the server.
 boolean DirectCommandExecutor.isActive(String id)
          Determine if the specified game is active.
 String[] DirectCommandExecutor.listActiveGames()
          List games that are currently active on the server.
 String[] DirectCommandExecutor.listSavedGames()
          List games permanently stored on the server.
 String[] DirectCommandExecutor.listDebuggingModules(String id, DebugType[] types)
          An array of all of the modules which have debugging information.
 PlayerManager DirectCommandExecutor.loadGame(String name)
          Load a game from the server.
private  PlayerManager DirectCommandExecutor.createPlayerManager(Controller black, Controller white)
 PlayerManager DirectCommandExecutor.resumeGame()
          Restart the most recent active game.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.makeMove(String id, Stone st)
          Make a move.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.validateMove(String id, Stone st)
          Validate a move.
protected  String DirectCommandExecutor.newGeneratedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected  String DirectCommandExecutor.newGeneratedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected  String DirectCommandExecutor.newValidatedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected  String DirectCommandExecutor.newValidatedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Create a new game on the server.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.pass(String id)
          Pass in the specified game.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.requestMove(String id)
          Request a move.
 BooleanResponse DirectCommandExecutor.requestResignation(String id)
          Request that the server resign.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.resignGame(String id)
          Resign the specified game.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.saveGame(PlayerManager pm, String name)
          Save a game on the server.
 short DirectCommandExecutor.getMoveNumber(String id)
          Get the move number for the game.
 String[] DirectCommandExecutor.getLanguageNames()
          Get all of the valid language names.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.setLanguageName(String symName)
          Set the language for each game loaded in this controller.
 String DirectCommandExecutor.getMessage(String name)
          Get the message in the specified language.
protected  Color DirectCommandExecutor.getColor(String id)
          Get the color to move for the specified game.
protected  Handicap DirectCommandExecutor.getHandicap(String id)
          Get the handicap for the specified game.
protected  Mode DirectCommandExecutor.getMode(String id)
          Get the mode for the specified game.
 NonvalidatedPlayer NonvalidatedPlayerFactory.create(Color c, Handicap h, String id)
 void MoyomanPlayer.derivedMakeMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move.
 MoveDescriptor MoyomanPlayer.derivedRequestMove()
          Request a move.
 Debug[] MoyomanPlayer.getDebuggingInfo(String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get the debug objects for the module type.
 GameRecord MoyomanPlayer.getGameRecord()
          Get a game record from the server.
 void MoyomanPlayer.setProperties(Properties props)
          Set the properties for this player.
 String[] MoyomanPlayer.listDebuggingModules(DebugType[] types)
          The types parameter acts as a filter, so that modules which only have debugging information that the client will not understand are not on the list.
 BooleanResponse MoyomanPlayer.requestResignation()
          Request that the server resigns the game.
 short MoyomanPlayer.getMoveNumber()
          Get the move number.
          Play a game of Go, using the two Player objects.
 boolean PlayerManager.takeBackMove()
          Return to an earlier state in the game.
private  boolean PlayerManager.blackMove()
          Get a move from the black player, and send it to the white player.
private  boolean PlayerManager.whiteMove()
          Get a move from the white player, and send it to the black player.
private  Color PlayerManager.initializeBoard(GameRecord gr)
          Initialize the board for the two players.
protected  Color PlayerManager.playPrerecordedMoves(GameRecord gr, boolean blackFlag, boolean whiteFlag)
          Play out a game record of prerecorded moves.
 GameRecord PlayerManager.getGameRecord()
          Get the game record for this game.
static CommandExecutor CommandExecutor.get()
          Get the CommandExecutor object.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.deleteSavedGame(String name)
          Delete a game from permanent storage on the server.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.deleteActiveGame(String name)
          Delete a temporary game on the server.
abstract  Debug[] CommandExecutor.getDebuggingInfo(String id, String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get debugging information about a module from the server.
abstract  GameRecord CommandExecutor.getGameRecord(String id)
          Get a game record from the server.
abstract  Stone CommandExecutor.getLastMoveKo(String id)
          Get the score from the server.
abstract  Stone[] CommandExecutor.getSuicideMoves(String id)
abstract  Stone[] CommandExecutor.getSuperKoMoves(String id)
abstract  void CommandExecutor.setProperties(String id, Properties props)
          Set the properties for the given id.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.getSuggestedMove(String id)
          Get the suggested move from the server.
abstract  boolean CommandExecutor.isActive(String id)
          Determine if the game id is an active game.
abstract  String[] CommandExecutor.listActiveGames()
          List games that are currently active on the server.
abstract  String[] CommandExecutor.listSavedGames()
          List games permanently stored on the server.
abstract  String[] CommandExecutor.listDebuggingModules(String id, DebugType[] types)
          An array of all of the modules which have debugging information.
abstract  PlayerManager CommandExecutor.loadGame(String name)
          Load a game from the server.
abstract  PlayerManager CommandExecutor.resumeGame()
          Restart the most recent active game.
abstract  BooleanResponse CommandExecutor.requestResignation(String id)
          Request that the server resign.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.saveGame(PlayerManager pm, String name)
          Save a game on the server.
abstract  short CommandExecutor.getMoveNumber(String id)
          Get the move number for the specified game.
abstract  String[] CommandExecutor.getLanguageNames()
          Get all of the supported language names.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.setLanguageName(String name)
          Set the default language name.
abstract  String CommandExecutor.getMessage(String name)
          Get the internationalized message of the given name.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.makeMove(String id, Stone st)
          Make a move.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.validateMove(String id, Stone st)
          Validate a move.
protected abstract  String CommandExecutor.newGeneratedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected abstract  String CommandExecutor.newGeneratedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected abstract  String CommandExecutor.newValidatedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new game on the server.
protected abstract  String CommandExecutor.newValidatedGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Create a new game on the server.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.pass(String id)
          Pass in the specified game.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.requestMove(String id)
          Request a move.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.resignGame(String id)
          Resign the specified game.
protected abstract  Color CommandExecutor.getColor(String id)
          Get the color of the player associated with this game.
protected abstract  Handicap CommandExecutor.getHandicap(String id)
          Get the handicap for this game.
protected abstract  Mode CommandExecutor.getMode(String id)
          Get the mode for this game.
protected  MoveDescriptor MoveValidator.makeMove(Move m)
          Make a move and check for legality.
protected  short MoveValidator.getMoveNumber()
          Get the move number.
protected  GameRecord MoveValidator.getGameRecord()
          Get the game record.
 void NonvalidatedPlayer.derivedMakeMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move, and validate it.
protected abstract  void NonvalidatedPlayer.makeValidatedMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          The derived class must override this method to make a move.
 MoveDescriptor NonvalidatedPlayer.derivedRequestMove()
          Request a move, and validate it.
 short NonvalidatedPlayer.getMoveNumber()
          Get the move number.
 GameRecord NonvalidatedPlayer.getGameRecord()
          Get the game record for this player.
 void Player.makeMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move.
protected  void Player.makeMoveNoEvents(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move without throwing any make move events.
 MoveDescriptor Player.requestMove()
          Get a move from the player.
abstract  void Player.derivedMakeMove(MoveDescriptor md)
          Make a move.
abstract  MoveDescriptor Player.derivedRequestMove()
          Get a move from the player.
abstract  short Player.getMoveNumber()
          Get the move number.
abstract  GameRecord Player.getGameRecord()
          Get the game record for this player.

Constructors in org.moyoman.comm.client that throw InternalErrorException
PrerecordedPlayerManager(MoyomanPlayer black, MoyomanPlayer white, GameRecord gr)
          Create the PrerecordedPlayerManager object.
ValidatedPlayer(Color c, Handicap h)
          Create the ValidatedPlayer object.
MoyomanPlayer(Color c, Handicap h, Mode m, CommandExecutor ce)
          Create a new MoyomanPlayer object.
MoyomanPlayer(Color c, Handicap h, CommandExecutor ce, GameId gid)
          Create a new MoyomanPlayer object to resume an existing game.
PlayerManager(Player black, Player white)
          Create the PlayerManager object.
PlayerManager(Player black, Player white, GameRecord gr)
          Create a PlayerManager object to continue play for the specified game.
MoveValidator(Color c, Handicap h)
          Create the move validator object.
MoveValidator(String gid)
NonvalidatedPlayer(Color c, Handicap h)
          Create the NonvalidatedPlayer object.
NonvalidatedPlayer(Color c, Handicap h, String id)
Player(Color c, Handicap h)
          Create the Player object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.framework

Methods in org.moyoman.framework that throw InternalErrorException
 MoveDescriptor ValidateController.validateMove(Stone stone)
          Verify that this move is a legal one.
private  MoveDescriptor ValidateController.validateMove(Move move)
          Verify that this move is a legal one.
static ValidateController ValidateController.newGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Start a new game with the specified parameters.
static ValidateController ValidateController.newGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Start a new game with the specified parameters.
private  void ModuleCreator.processModules(GameId id, ModuleName topName, Mode mode)
          Determine which modules are used by this game and instantiate them.
static void langName)
          Save the results of a particular language to permanent storage.
static void MessageTool.reset(String langName)
          Undo all changes made to the specified language since the last reset() or save() call.
private static void Message.createMessageObjectFromFile(String fname, boolean flag)
          Create a Message object from the message file.
static Message Message.create(String symbolicName, String displayableName)
          Create a Message object for a language.
static Message Message.create(String symbolicLanguageName, String symbolicCountryName, String displayableName)
          Create a Message object for a new language.
          Save the results of creating or updating a language.
protected static Message Message.getDefaultMessageObject()
          Get the Message object for the default language.
protected  void Message.reset()
          Restore the Message object to the values in the messages file.
 MoveDescriptor GenerateController.generateMove()
          Get the servers move in the specified game.
 Debug[] GenerateController.getDebuggingInfo(ModuleName modulename, DebugType[] types)
          Get the debugging information for the specified module.
 MoveDescriptor GenerateController.getSuggestedMove()
          Suggest a move for the client.
 ModuleName[] GenerateController.listDebuggingModules(DebugType[] types)
          Get a list of all of the modules for which debugging information is available.
static GenerateController GenerateController.newGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Start a new game with the specified parameters.
static GenerateController GenerateController.newGame(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Start a new game with the specified parameters.
 BooleanResponse GenerateController.requestResignation()
          The client is requesting that the server resign the specified game.
 void GenerateController.resignGame()
          The client is resigning the specified game.
private static void FSPersister.checkTempGames(ServerConfig sc)
          Delete all temporary games which have expired.
private static void FSPersister.checkTempGames(long cutoff)
          Delete all temporary games which have expired.
 void FSPersister.delete(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in permanent storage.
 void FSPersister.deleteTemporaryState(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in temporary storage.
 Controller FSPersister.restore(GameId id)
          Restore a game from permanent storage.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreMostRecentTemporaryState(Color color)
          Restore the most recent game in temporary storage.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id, int number)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the specified move.
private  void id, Controller cont)
          Save the game to permanent storage.
 void game)
 void FSPersister.saveTemporaryGame(GameId black, GameId white)
 void FSPersister.saveTemporaryState(GameId id, Controller cont, int move)
          Save the game to temporary storage for a particular move.
private  void FSPersister.updateLastMove(GameId id, int move)
          Update the last_move file.
 boolean FSPersister.temporaryStateExists(GameId id)
 boolean FSPersister.temporaryStateExists(PersistedGame game)
          Return whether the game exists in temporary storage.
private  void FSPersister.saveController(Controller c, String fname)
          Serialize the Controller object and write it out to disk.
private  Controller FSPersister.getController(String fname)
          Deserialize the file and create a Controller object.
private  String FSPersister.getTemporaryFileName(GameId id)
          Get the name of the most recent file for the particular game.
 PersistedGame[] FSPersister.listTemporaryGames()
          Return an array of all the games in temporary storage.
private  PersistedGame[] FSPersister.listGames(String fname)
 PersistedGame[] FSPersister.listPermanentGames()
          Return an array of all the games in permanent storage.
private  String FSPersister.getPersistedGameId(String fname, Color color)
private  PersistedGame FSPersister.getPersistedGame(String fname)
 PersistedGame FSPersister.getTemporaryPersistedGame(String name)
 PersistedGame FSPersister.getSavedPersistedGame(String name)
 void FSPersister.cleanup()
          Delete all temporary game files.
 void Persister.delete(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in permanent storage.
 void Persister.deleteTemporaryState(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in temporary storage.
 Controller Persister.restore(GameId id)
          Restore a game from permanent storage.
 Controller Persister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id, int number)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the given move number.
 Controller Persister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 Controller Persister.restoreMostRecentTemporaryState(Color color)
          Restore the most recent game in temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 void game)
          Save the game to permanent storage.
 void Persister.saveTemporaryState(GameId id, Controller c, int move)
          Save the game to temporary storage.
 void Persister.saveTemporaryGame(GameId black, GameId white)
 boolean Persister.temporaryStateExists(PersistedGame game)
          Return true if the temporary state exists.
 boolean Persister.temporaryStateExists(GameId id)
 boolean Persister.permanentStateExists(PersistedGame game)
          Return true if the permanent state exists.
 boolean Persister.permanentStateExists(GameId id)
 boolean Persister.temporaryStateExists(GameId id, int move)
          Return true if the temporary state exists for a given move.
 PersistedGame[] Persister.listTemporaryGames()
          Return an array of all games in temporary storage.
 PersistedGame[] Persister.listPermanentGames()
          Return an array of all games in permanent storage.
 PersistedGame Persister.getTemporaryPersistedGame(String name)
 PersistedGame Persister.getSavedPersistedGame(String name)
 void Persister.cleanup()
          Perform any necessary clean up before normal shutdown of the server.
 void ServerConfigTool.cancel()
          Cancel all operations performed since the last call to save() or cancel().
protected  short Scheduler.getMoveNumber()
          Get the number of the move to be made next.
static Scheduler Scheduler.getScheduler(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Get a copy of the Scheduler object.
protected  void Scheduler.setInitialBoard(Stone[] stones)
          Set the initial board position.
private  Properties ServerConfig.readFile()
          Read the file.
private  void ServerConfig.createDirectories()
private  void ServerConfig.createDirectoryIfNecessary(String dirname)
protected  void ServerConfig.cancel()
          Cancel any changes that have occurred since the last call to save() or cancel().
protected  void
          Save any changes that have occurred since the last call to save() or cancel().
private  void Controller.setVars(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi, GameId gid)
          Set the variables for the Controller object on construction.
static void Controller.deleteGame(String name)
          Delete the specified game from permanent storage.
static void Controller.endGame(String name)
          Delete the game from temporary storage.
static String[] Controller.listActiveGames()
          Get a list of all of the active games on the server.
static String[] Controller.listSavedGames()
          Get a list of all of the games in permanent storage on the server.
static Controller[] Controller.loadGame(String name)
          Make a game in permanent storage on the server active.
 MoveDescriptor Controller.makeMove(Stone stone)
          Update the specified game with this move from the client.
private  MoveDescriptor Controller.makeMove(Move move)
          Update the specified game with this move from the client.
 MoveDescriptor Controller.pass()
          The client passes in the specified game.
 void Controller.resignGame()
          The client is resigning the specified game.
static Controller Controller.resumeActiveGame(GameId id)
          Continue play from the temporary game stored.
static Controller[] Controller.resumeActiveGame()
          Continue play from the most recent temporary game stored.
static void Controller.saveGame(String name, GameId black, GameId white)
          Save the specified game to permanent storage.
 void Controller.takeBackMove()
          Take back a move in the specified game.
 short Controller.getMoveNumber()
          Get the number of the next move in this game.

Constructors in org.moyoman.framework that throw InternalErrorException
ValidateController(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new ValidateController object.
ValidateController(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
          Create a new ValidateController object.
ModuleCreator(GameId id, Mode mode)
          For the given mode, instantiate the MoveGenerator module and all dependent modules.
ModuleCreator(GameId id, ModuleName topName, Mode mode)
          For the given module, instantiate it and all dependent modules.
GenerateController(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode)
GenerateController(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new FSPersister object.
DAG(HashMap modules)
          Construct the DAG object.
Scheduler(GameId id, Mode mode, Handicap handicap, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a Scheduler object.
Scheduler(GameId id, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a Scheduler object.
Scheduler(GameId id, Module[] mods, Mode mode)
          Create a Scheduler object.
Controller(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode mode, Rules rules, float komi)
          Create a new Controller object.
Controller(Color color, Handicap handicap, Mode m)
          Create a new Controller object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.helper

Methods in org.moyoman.helper that throw InternalErrorException
static Helper Helper.create(GameId id, Mode mode, HelperType type, Component component)
          Create a Helper object.
protected  Helper Helper.createHelper(HelperType ht)
          Create a new helper for the current helper to use.
protected  void HelperConfig.cancel()
          Undo all operations performed since the last save() or cancel() call.
protected  void
          Save the information on all operations performed since the last save() or cancel() call.
private  void HelperConfig.indentLine(BufferedWriter bw, int level)
          Convenience method to write out the appropriate number of spaces.
 void HelperConfigTool.cancel()
          Undo all operations performed since the last save() or cancel() call.
          Save the results of all operations performed since the last save() or cancel() call.

Constructors in org.moyoman.helper that throw InternalErrorException
Helper(GameId id, Mode m, HelperName name, Component component)
          Create the helper object.
          Create a HelperConfig object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules

Constructors in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules that throw InternalErrorException
RulesHelper(GameId gid, Mode mode, HelperName name, Component parent)
          Create the RulesHelper object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.agarules

Constructors in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.agarules that throw InternalErrorException
AGARules(GameId gid, Mode mode, HelperName hname, Component parent)
          Create the AGARules object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.agarules.agarulesimpl

Constructors in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.agarules.agarulesimpl that throw InternalErrorException
AGARulesImpl(GameId gid, Mode mode, HelperName hname, Component parent)
          Create the AGARulesImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.rulesimpl

Constructors in org.moyoman.helper.board.rules.rulesimpl that throw InternalErrorException
RulesImpl(GameId gid, Mode mode, HelperName hname, Component parent)
          Create the RulesImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module

Methods in org.moyoman.module that throw InternalErrorException
static Module Module.create(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a Module object.
abstract  void Module.generateMove(Module[] modules)
          Generate the move for this module.
abstract  void Module.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update the internal data structures of this module with the new move.
protected  Helper Module.createHelper(String name)
          Create a helper for this module
protected  void ModeConfig.cancel()
          Cancel any changes that have occurred since the last save() or cancel() call.
protected  void
          Save any changes that have occurred since the last save() or cancel() call.
 void ModeConfigTool.cancel()
          Cancel any changes since the last save() or cancel() call.
          Save any changes since the last save() or cancel() call.
protected  void ModuleConfig.cancel()
          Undo all changes made since the last call to save() or cancel().
protected  void
          Save the information in this object to permanent storage.
private  void ModuleConfig.indentLine(BufferedWriter bw, int level)
          Convenience method to write out the appropriate number of spaces.
 void ModuleConfigTool.orderModuleTypes(ModuleType[] mt)
          Set the order of the module types.
 void ModuleConfigTool.orderModuleNames(ModuleName[] mn, ModuleType mt, Mode mode)
          Set the order of the module names.
 void ModuleConfigTool.addMode(String newModeName, Mode oldMode)
          Create a new user defined mode.
 void ModuleConfigTool.cancel()
          Undo all changes since the last call to cancel() or save().
          Save all changes since the last call to cancel() or save().

Constructors in org.moyoman.module that throw InternalErrorException
Module(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the Module object.
          Create a new ModeConfig object.
          Create a new ModeConfigTool object.
          Create the ModuleConfig object.
          Create the ModuleConfigTool object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.bigpoint.simplebigpoint

Methods in org.moyoman.module.bigpoint.simplebigpoint that throw InternalErrorException
 void SimpleBigPoint.generateMove(Module[] modules)
          Generate the move for this module.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.bigpoint.simplebigpoint that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleBigPoint(GameId id, ModuleName name)

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.board

Methods in org.moyoman.module.board that throw InternalErrorException
 void Board.makeMove(Move move)
          Add a move to the board.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.board.boardimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.board.boardimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void BoardImpl.makeMove(Move move)
          Update this module with the move which has been made.
 void BoardImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update this module with the move which has been made.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.board.boardimpl that throw InternalErrorException
BoardImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a new BoardImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.dame.dameimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.dame.dameimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void DameImpl.generateMove(Module[] modules)
          Compute all dame points.
 void DameImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Invalidates the dame points that were computed for the previous move.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.dame.dameimpl that throw InternalErrorException
DameImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a DameImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.endgame.simpleendgame

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.endgame.simpleendgame that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleEndgame(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleEndgame object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.fuseki.igofuseki

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.fuseki.igofuseki that throw InternalErrorException
IgoFuseki(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the IgoFuseki object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.fuseki.simplefuseki

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.fuseki.simplefuseki that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleFuseki(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleFuseki object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.geometry.geometryimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.geometry.geometryimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void GeometryImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update this module with the last move made.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.geometry.geometryimpl that throw InternalErrorException
GeometryImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a new GeometryImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.groups.groupsimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.groups.groupsimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void GroupsImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update this module with the last move.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.groups.groupsimpl that throw InternalErrorException
GroupsImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a new GroupsImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.joseki.josekiimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.joseki.josekiimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void JosekiImpl.generateMove(Module[] modules)
 void JosekiImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.joseki.josekiimpl that throw InternalErrorException
JosekiImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a JosekiImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void LadderImpl.generateMove(Module[] modules)
          Generate moves based on the ladders and potential ladders on the board.
 void LadderImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update this module with the current move.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl that throw InternalErrorException
LadderImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create a new LadderImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups.simplelgimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups.simplelgimpl that throw InternalErrorException
 void LGImpl.makeMove(Move move, Module[] modules)
          Update the internal data structures with the last move.
private  void LGImpl.updatePartialAndFullCaptureSLG(SingleGroup[] sg)
          Update the list of groups that were fully or partially captured.
private  void LGImpl.combineAdjacentGroupsIfPossible(ClosestPointGroup currcpg, Board board, Groups groups)
          Attempt to combine any friendly groups adjacent to the group containing the last stone.
private  void LGImpl.combineAdjacentGroupsIfPossible(ClosestPointGroup[] adjgroups, Board board, Groups groups)
          Combine as many of the candidate groups as possible.
private  void LGImpl.checkOpponentsLooseGroups(Stone stone, ClosestPointGroup cpg, Groups groups, Board board)
          Split opponents groups adjacent to the current loose group if necessary.
private  SingleLGImpl[] LGImpl.splitGroupIfNecessary(Stone stone, SingleLGImpl candidate, Groups groups, Board board)
          Determine if the given loose group should be split up based on the last move.
private  ClosestPointGroup[] LGImpl.combinePairs(ClosestPoints cpts, ArrayList al, Board board, Groups groups)
          Combine the ClosestPointGroups as much as possible based on criteria for loose groups.

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups.simplelgimpl that throw InternalErrorException
LGImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the LGImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.movegenerator.simplemovegenerator

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.movegenerator.simplemovegenerator that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleMoveGenerator(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleMoveGenerator object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.proverbs.igoproverbs

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.proverbs.igoproverbs that throw InternalErrorException
IgoProverbs(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the IgoProverbs object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.random.randomimpl

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.random.randomimpl that throw InternalErrorException
RandomImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the RandomImpl object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in

Constructors in that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleSafety(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleSafety module.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.shape.simpleshape

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.shape.simpleshape that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleShape(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleShape object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.tactics.simpletactics

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.tactics.simpletactics that throw InternalErrorException
SimpleTactics(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the SimpleTactics object.

Uses of InternalErrorException in org.moyoman.module.tactics.tacticsimpl

Constructors in org.moyoman.module.tactics.tacticsimpl that throw InternalErrorException
TacticsImpl(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Create the TacticsImpl object.