Uses of Class

Packages that use NoSuchDataException
org.moyoman.comm.client Provides classes for the client to make requests and receive responses. 
org.moyoman.debug Provides classes that represent debugging information. 
org.moyoman.framework Provides classes used in the framework for executing user commands. 
org.moyoman.helper Provides classes used in creating helper classes. 
org.moyoman.module Provides classes for creating and administering modules. 
org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl This implementation of a Ladder module is meant to serve two purposes. 
org.moyoman.module.loosegroups This package provides the two interfaces that must be implemented in order to create a loosegroups module implementation. 
org.moyoman.util Provides utility classes used by both the client and server. 

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.comm.client

Methods in org.moyoman.comm.client that throw NoSuchDataException
 void DirectCommandExecutor.deleteSavedGame(String name)
          Delete a game from permanent storage on the server.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.deleteActiveGame(String name)
          Delete a temporary game on the server.
 Debug[] DirectCommandExecutor.getDebuggingInfo(String id, String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get debugging information about a module from the server.
 GameRecord DirectCommandExecutor.getGameRecord(String id)
          Get a game record from the server.
 Stone DirectCommandExecutor.getLastMoveKo(String id)
 Stone[] DirectCommandExecutor.getSuicideMoves(String id)
 Stone[] DirectCommandExecutor.getSuperKoMoves(String id)
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.getSuggestedMove(String id)
          Get the suggested move from the server.
 String[] DirectCommandExecutor.listDebuggingModules(String id, DebugType[] types)
          An array of all of the modules which have debugging information.
 PlayerManager DirectCommandExecutor.loadGame(String name)
          Load a game from the server.
 PlayerManager DirectCommandExecutor.resumeGame()
          Restart the most recent active game.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.makeMove(String id, Stone st)
          Make a move.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.validateMove(String id, Stone st)
          Validate a move.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.pass(String id)
          Pass in the specified game.
 MoveDescriptor DirectCommandExecutor.requestMove(String id)
          Request a move.
 BooleanResponse DirectCommandExecutor.requestResignation(String id)
          Request that the server resign.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.resignGame(String id)
          Resign the specified game.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.saveGame(PlayerManager pm, String name)
          Save a game on the server.
 void DirectCommandExecutor.setLanguageName(String symName)
          Set the language for each game loaded in this controller.
protected  Color DirectCommandExecutor.getColor(String id)
          Get the color to move for the specified game.
protected  Handicap DirectCommandExecutor.getHandicap(String id)
          Get the handicap for the specified game.
protected  Mode DirectCommandExecutor.getMode(String id)
          Get the mode for the specified game.
 Debug[] MoyomanPlayer.getDebuggingInfo(String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get the debug objects for the module type.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.deleteSavedGame(String name)
          Delete a game from permanent storage on the server.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.deleteActiveGame(String name)
          Delete a temporary game on the server.
abstract  Debug[] CommandExecutor.getDebuggingInfo(String id, String name, DebugType[] types)
          Get debugging information about a module from the server.
abstract  GameRecord CommandExecutor.getGameRecord(String id)
          Get a game record from the server.
abstract  Stone CommandExecutor.getLastMoveKo(String id)
          Get the score from the server.
abstract  Stone[] CommandExecutor.getSuicideMoves(String id)
abstract  Stone[] CommandExecutor.getSuperKoMoves(String id)
abstract  void CommandExecutor.setProperties(String id, Properties props)
          Set the properties for the given id.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.getSuggestedMove(String id)
          Get the suggested move from the server.
abstract  String[] CommandExecutor.listDebuggingModules(String id, DebugType[] types)
          An array of all of the modules which have debugging information.
abstract  PlayerManager CommandExecutor.loadGame(String name)
          Load a game from the server.
abstract  PlayerManager CommandExecutor.resumeGame()
          Restart the most recent active game.
abstract  BooleanResponse CommandExecutor.requestResignation(String id)
          Request that the server resign.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.saveGame(PlayerManager pm, String name)
          Save a game on the server.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.setLanguageName(String name)
          Set the default language name.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.makeMove(String id, Stone st)
          Make a move.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.validateMove(String id, Stone st)
          Validate a move.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.pass(String id)
          Pass in the specified game.
abstract  MoveDescriptor CommandExecutor.requestMove(String id)
          Request a move.
abstract  void CommandExecutor.resignGame(String id)
          Resign the specified game.
protected abstract  Color CommandExecutor.getColor(String id)
          Get the color of the player associated with this game.
protected abstract  Handicap CommandExecutor.getHandicap(String id)
          Get the handicap for this game.
protected abstract  Mode CommandExecutor.getMode(String id)
          Get the mode for this game.
abstract  String Player.getId()
          Return a String which is the game id.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.debug

Methods in org.moyoman.debug that throw NoSuchDataException
 int Aggregate.getSubgroup(Stone st)
          Return the subgroup for the stone.
 Point[] Aggregate.getRelatingPoints(IntPair ip)
          Get the points which relate the two groups.
 Stone[] Aggregate.getRelatingStone(IntPair ip)
          Get the stones which relate the two groups.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.framework

Methods in org.moyoman.framework that throw NoSuchDataException
static String MessageTool.getMessage(String displayableLanguageName, String symbolicMessageName)
          Get a message for the given language and message type.
static String[] MessageTool.getMissingMessages(String langName)
          Return those messages which are undefined for the specified language.
static void Message.associate(GameId id, String lang)
          Associate the game with the specified language.
protected static String Message.getExactMessage(String symbolicLanguageName, String symbolicMessageName)
          Get a message in the specified language.
protected static Message Message.getMessageObject(String symbolicLanguageName)
          Get the appropriate Message object.
static String Message.getMessage(String symbolicMessageName)
          Get a message in the default language.
static String Message.getMessage(GameId id, String symbolicMessageName)
          Get a message in the language associated with the game id.
private  String Message.getLangMessage(String symbolicMessageName)
          Get the specified message.
static String Message.getSymbolicLanguageName(String dispLangName)
          Get the symbolic language name for the displayable name.
 void FSPersister.delete(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in permanent storage.
 void FSPersister.deleteTemporaryState(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in temporary storage.
private  void FSPersister.deleteTemporaryState(GameId id)
 Controller FSPersister.restore(GameId id)
          Restore a game from permanent storage.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreMostRecentTemporaryState(Color color)
          Restore the most recent game in temporary storage.
 Controller FSPersister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id, int number)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the specified move.
private  void FSPersister.updateLastMove(GameId id, int move)
          Update the last_move file.
private  Controller FSPersister.getController(String fname)
          Deserialize the file and create a Controller object.
private  String FSPersister.getTemporaryFileName(GameId id)
          Get the name of the most recent file for the particular game.
private  String FSPersister.getPersistedGameId(String fname, Color color)
private  PersistedGame FSPersister.getPersistedGame(String fname)
 PersistedGame FSPersister.getTemporaryPersistedGame(String name)
 PersistedGame FSPersister.getSavedPersistedGame(String name)
 void Persister.delete(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in permanent storage.
 void Persister.deleteTemporaryState(PersistedGame game)
          Delete a game in temporary storage.
 Controller Persister.restore(GameId id)
          Restore a game from permanent storage.
 Controller Persister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id, int number)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the given move number.
 Controller Persister.restoreTemporaryState(GameId id)
          Restore a game from temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 Controller Persister.restoreMostRecentTemporaryState(Color color)
          Restore the most recent game in temporary storage to the latest saved state.
 PersistedGame Persister.getTemporaryPersistedGame(String name)
 PersistedGame Persister.getSavedPersistedGame(String name)
 String ServerConfigTool.getParameterValue(String param)
          Get the value of a parameter.
 short ServerConfigTool.getParameterType(String param)
          Get the type of the parameter.
 int ServerConfigTool.getMinimumInt(String param)
          Get the minimum legal integer value to which this parameter can be set.
 int ServerConfigTool.getMaximumInt(String param)
          Get the maximum legal integer value to which this parameter can be set.
private  boolean ServerConfigTool.isValueLegalEnumValue(String param, String value)
          Determine if the value is in the legal range for the parameter.
 String[] ServerConfigTool.getEnumValues(String param)
          Get the enumerated values for the parameter.
 void ServerConfigTool.setParameter(String name, String val)
          Set the parameter to the given value.
 Module Scheduler.getModule(ModuleType type)
          Get a copy of a module of the specified type.
protected  Module Scheduler.getUnclonedModule(ModuleType type)
          Get the module of the given module type.
 Module Scheduler.getModule(ModuleName name)
          Get a copy of a module of the specified name.
 Module Scheduler.getUnclonedModule(ModuleName name)
          Get the module of the specified name.
static Scheduler Scheduler.getScheduler(GameId id, ModuleName name)
          Get a copy of the Scheduler object.
 String ServerConfig.getProperty(String name)
          Get the value for a specific property.
static void Controller.deleteGame(String name)
          Delete the specified game from permanent storage.
static void Controller.endGame(String name)
          Delete the game from temporary storage.
static Controller[] Controller.loadGame(String name)
          Make a game in permanent storage on the server active.
static Controller Controller.resumeActiveGame(GameId id)
          Continue play from the temporary game stored.
static Controller[] Controller.resumeActiveGame()
          Continue play from the most recent temporary game stored.
 void Controller.takeBackMove()
          Take back a move in the specified game.
static Mode Controller.getMode(GameId gid)
          Get the mode for a particular game.
static Rules Controller.getRules(GameId gid)
          Get the rules for a particular game.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.helper

Methods in org.moyoman.helper that throw NoSuchDataException
protected  Helper Helper.getHelper(HelperType ht)
          Get the helper of this helper of a particular type.
static HelperName HelperName.getHelperName(String name)
          Get the helper name object with the given name.
static HelperType HelperType.getHelperType(String name)
          Get the helper type object of the given name.
 HelperName HelperConfig.getFirstHelperName(Mode mode, HelperType type)
          Get the most preferred HelperName object for this mode and helper type.
 void HelperConfig.deleteHelperType(HelperType ht)
          Delete the HelperType object from the list.
protected  void HelperConfig.addMode(Mode newMode, Mode oldMode)
          Create a new user defined mode.
protected  void HelperConfig.deleteMode(String name)
          Delete the mode.
 HelperType HelperConfigTool.addHelperType(String simple, String full, ComponentType parent)
          Add a new helper type.
 void HelperConfigTool.deleteHelperType(HelperType ht)
          Delete the helper type.
 void HelperConfigTool.deleteAllHelperTypes(ModuleType mt)
          Delete all the helper types associated with a given module type.
 HelperName HelperConfigTool.addHelperName(String simple, String full, HelperType type)
          Add a helper name for the helper type.
 void HelperConfigTool.addMode(Mode newMode, Mode oldMode)
          Create entries for the new user defined mode.
 void HelperConfigTool.deleteMode(Mode mode)
          Delete the mode.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module

Methods in org.moyoman.module that throw NoSuchDataException
static Module Module.getModule(Module[] modules, ModuleType type)
          Return the module from the array that is of the specific type.
protected  Helper Module.getHelper(HelperType ht)
          Get the helper of a specific type.
protected  Helper Module.createHelper(String name)
          Create a helper for this module
protected  void ModeConfig.addMode(String newModeName, Mode oldMode)
          Create a new user defined mode.
protected  void ModeConfig.deleteMode(Mode mode)
          Delete the specified mode.
 void ModeConfigTool.addMode(String newModeName, Mode oldMode)
          Create a new user defined mode.
 void ModeConfigTool.deleteMode(Mode mode)
          Delete the user defined mode.
static ModuleName ModuleName.getModuleName(String name)
          Get the ModuleName object for the given name.
 ModuleName ModuleConfig.getFirstModuleName(Mode mode, ModuleType type)
          Get the most highly ranked ModuleName for the given mode and module type.
protected  void ModuleConfig.deleteModuleType(ModuleType mt)
          Delete the ModuleType object from the list.
protected  void ModuleConfig.deleteMode(String name)
          Delete the mode.
 void ModuleConfigTool.deleteModuleType(ModuleType mt)
          Delete the module type.
 void ModuleConfigTool.addMode(String newModeName, Mode oldMode)
          Create a new user defined mode.
 void ModuleConfigTool.deleteMode(Mode mode)
          Delete the specifiec mode.
static ModuleType ModuleType.getModuleType(String type)
          Create the ModuleType object.
protected  void Mode.deleteMode()
          Delete the user defined mode.
static Mode Mode.get(String name)
          Get the Mode object of the given name.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.board

Methods in org.moyoman.module.board that throw NoSuchDataException
 Move Board.getLastMove()
          Return the last move made.
 MoveDescriptor Board.getLastMoveDescriptor()
          Return a MoveDescriptor for the last move made.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.board.boardimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.board.boardimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
 Move BoardImpl.getLastMove()
          Get the last move.
 MoveDescriptor BoardImpl.getLastMoveDescriptor()
          Get a MoveDescriptor describing the last move.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.endgame.simpleendgame

Methods in org.moyoman.module.endgame.simpleendgame that throw NoSuchDataException
 MoveDescriptorForest SimpleEndgame.getSequences()
          Get sequences of moves that might occur in endgame play.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.geometry

Methods in org.moyoman.module.geometry that throw NoSuchDataException
 ConvexHull Geometry.getConvexHullByColor(Stone stone)
          Get the convex hull for all of the adjacent stones of the same color as the specified stone.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.geometry.geometryimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.geometry.geometryimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
 ConvexHull GeometryImpl.getConvexHullByColor(Stone stone)

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.groups

Methods in org.moyoman.module.groups that throw NoSuchDataException
 SingleGroup Groups.getSingleGroup(Stone stone)
          Get the SingleGroup object to which this stone belongs.
 SingleGroup Groups.getNewSingleGroup()
          Get the new SingleGroup object which contains the last move.
 SingleGroup Groups.getUpdatedSingleGroup()
          Get the updated SingleGroup object which contains the last move.
 SingleGroup[] Groups.getCombinedSingleGroups()
          Get the SingleGroup objects that were combined.
 SingleGroup[] Groups.getSuicidedSingleGroups()
          Return all SingleGroup objects that died as a result of suicide.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.groups.groupsimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.groups.groupsimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
 SingleGroup GroupsImpl.getSingleGroup(Stone stone)
          Get the SingleGroup object which contains the stone.
 SingleGroup GroupsImpl.getNewSingleGroup()
          Get the SingleGroup which contains the last stone played.
 SingleGroup GroupsImpl.getUpdatedSingleGroup()
          Get the SingleGroup which contains the last stone played.
 SingleGroup[] GroupsImpl.getCombinedSingleGroups()
          Get the SingleGroups which were combined into a single group by the last stone played.
 SingleGroup[] GroupsImpl.getSuicidedSingleGroups()
          Get the SingleGroup objects which died as a result of suicide on the last move.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.ladder.ladderimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
private  SingleGroup LadderImpl.refresh(SingleGroup sg)
          Return the corresponding SingleGroup object from the current lastGroups.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups

Methods in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups that throw NoSuchDataException
 SingleLooseGroup[] LooseGroups.getSplitLooseGroups()
          Return the loose groups that before the last move were part of one loose group.
 SingleLooseGroup LooseGroups.getNewSingleLooseGroup()
          Get the new loose group created by the last move made.
 SingleLooseGroup LooseGroups.getUpdatedSingleLooseGroup()
          Get the loose group that contains the last move made.
 SingleLooseGroup[] LooseGroups.getCombinedSingleLooseGroups()
          Return the loose groups that were combined into a single loose group.
 SingleLooseGroup[] LooseGroups.getSuicidedSingleLooseGroups()
          Get the SingleLooseGroup objects which died as a result of suicide.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups.simplelgimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.loosegroups.simplelgimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
 SingleLooseGroup LGImpl.getSingleLooseGroup(SingleGroup sg)
          Get the loose group which contains the single group.
 SingleLooseGroup LGImpl.getSingleLooseGroup(Stone stone)
          Get the loose group which contains the stone.
 SingleLooseGroup LGImpl.getNewSingleLooseGroup()
          Get the new loose group that contains the last move made.
 SingleLooseGroup LGImpl.getUpdatedSingleLooseGroup()
          Get the loose group that contains the last move made.
 SingleLooseGroup[] LGImpl.getCombinedSingleLooseGroups()
          Return the loose groups that were combined into a single loose group.
 SingleLooseGroup[] LGImpl.getSuicidedSingleLooseGroups()
          Return the loose groups that were removed because of suicide.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.tactics.simpletactics

Methods in org.moyoman.module.tactics.simpletactics that throw NoSuchDataException
 MoveDescriptorForest SimpleTactics.getCurrentPlayerSequences()
          Get sequences of tactical moves for the current player.
 MoveDescriptorForest SimpleTactics.getCurrentPlayerKoThreats()
 MoveDescriptorForest SimpleTactics.getOpponentPlayerKoThreats()
 MoveDescriptorForest SimpleTactics.getOpponentPlayerSequences()
          Get sequences of tactical moves if the opponent plays first.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.module.tactics.tacticsimpl

Methods in org.moyoman.module.tactics.tacticsimpl that throw NoSuchDataException
 MoveDescriptorForest TacticsImpl.getCurrentPlayerSequences()
          Get sequences of moves that might occur in tactical play for the current player.
 MoveDescriptorForest TacticsImpl.getOpponentPlayerSequences()
          Get sequences of moves that might occur in tactical play for the opponent player.
 MoveDescriptorForest TacticsImpl.getCurrentPlayerKoThreats()
 MoveDescriptorForest TacticsImpl.getOpponentPlayerKoThreats()

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.util

Methods in org.moyoman.util that throw NoSuchDataException
 MoveDescriptor[] MoveDescriptorForest.getSubsequentMoveDescriptors(MoveDescriptor parent)
          Return all of the follow up moves for the specified move.
 void MoveDescriptorForest.addMoveDescriptor(MoveDescriptor parent, MoveDescriptor subsequent)
          Add a follow up move to a move which was already added.
 void MoveDescriptorForest.addMoveDescriptors(MoveDescriptor parent, MoveDescriptor[] subsequent)
          Add follow up moves to a move which was already added.
 Move GameRecord.getLastMove()
          Get the last move from the game.
 NumberedStone Move.getNumberedStone()
          Get the NumberedStone object.

Uses of NoSuchDataException in org.moyoman.util.closestpoint

Methods in org.moyoman.util.closestpoint that throw NoSuchDataException
 short ClosestPoints.getDistance(Point pt)
          Return the square of the distance to the closest stone.
 double ClosestPoints.getExactDistance(Point pt)
          Return the exact distance to the closest stone.
 ClosestPointGroup ClosestPoints.getGroup(Stone st)
          Get the ClosestPointGroup that contains the given stone.